The Best Feature Tableau are:
- Data Blending
- Real-time analysis
- Collaboration of data
Using Tableau to do Salesforce reporting offers multiple business benefits:
Full Information Availability:
Tableau has built-in integration with Salesforce, allowing Tableau reports and dashboards to be embedded within the Salesforce application itself. More important, Tableau can pull in data from all pertinent sources; it is not limited to only the data that resides in Salesforce. The implications of this are significant: sales reps and management can have full information when making sales strategy decisions.
- Information about customer lifetime value, recency, and frequency. This comes from sales history data that exists outside of Salesforce.
- Information about customer satisfaction. This comes from the call center application outside of Salesforce.
- Actuals versus quota. The quota spreadsheets or databases exist outside of Salesforce.
Following images shows the difference between salesforce report and using tableau
Self-Service Analysis and Visualization:
Tableau has democratized information analysis. With a focus on ease-of-use, Tableau has made it possible for non-IT people to analyze and visualize data themselves. This availability drives informed decision-making to all areas of the company and replaces gut-feel decision-making.
Data Blending:
Salesforce reporting is not able to combine data across Salesforce modules. For instance, it cannot display marketing engagements and pipeline growth on the same chart. Tableau does this type of data blending natively.
Knowledge and Skill Sharing:
Since Salesforce reporting is limited to Salesforce data, it is not a candidate to be the standard tool throughout an organization. Tableau has no data limitations and can be the familiar standard for all departments in the company.
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