1. Sales Forecast:
- Forecast module in VTiger helps your predict and plan sales cycle from pipeline to closure sales stage.
- Only administrator or user with admin rights can access forecast settings and configure details.
- The administrator or user with admin rights can set the hierarchy of your organization.
2. Social Module – Twitter Integration:
- User will be able to view engagement history on posts dashboard he can also track the increase in the number of post from previous week and current week.
- The user can also create a new search stream, the user will be able to add a lead from a post on Twitter, all the activity and Tweets of the contact can be found under the Twitter activity widget in the lead detail view.
3. vTiger on demand Extension Store:
- Extension store helps you to browse free and paid extensions published on the market place using your CRM admin console.
- User can see as well as rate and add reviews to any extension.
4. Upgrade Google calendar Sync:
- Import calendar of your choice from Google into vTiger.
- User can see as well as rate and add reviews to any extension.
- Google calendar sync updates all the events to contact records.
5. Import and export price book:
- You can now import and export price books records to .CSV file.
6. Specify Reply to email ID in workflow email:
- Whenever the customer reply back to the email it will be sent back to the users email ID mentioned in Reply To field in the workflow.
7. Calculate the Product Bundle Price Value:
- The user will now be able to calculate the value of the total bundle for different items added by him.
- This bundle cost will depend on the user currency selected by the user.
Do You Need more information?
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