SuiteCRM 7.10 Released!
What’s new in SuiteCRM 7.10?
Refined SuiteP theme:
- New Slimmed down SuiteP Design. A more compacted version of SuiteP providing more screen space for all your important information.
- 4 SuiteP colour schemes. Pick a range of different colour schemes to suit your workspace. Pick from the themes of Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night.
Brand New fully compliant Rest API A new Rest API (v8) using the popular JSONAPI specifications. The v8 API mirrors the prior API functionality so there will be no loss of functionality. It also introduces authentication using OAuth 2.0 and bringing the SuiteCRM API up to industry standards.
[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item icon=”fa-arrow-circle-o-right”]Swagger documentation The v8 API adopts the Swagger (OpenAPI v3.0) framework to provide detailed, but clear, documentation.
Survey Management:
- A new module that will provide you the ability to create, design and send surveys to your customers. All results are then recorded on your CRM to report on its success. The module allows you to use a wide range of question types and suitable to be used as an email campaign or stand alone web page.
Confirmed Opt-In:
- A new feature that has been introduced to assist CRM users with the GDPR legislation. This feature, when activated, enables the CRM with the ability to provide its customers’ a double opt in process which campaigns will respect.
- The Web to Person form will automatically send the Confirm Opt-In email if this feature is activated.
- CRM users can manually update their customer opt in preferences via the module and record view with clear indication of the customers current opt in statuses
Other Enhancements:
- 2 Factor Authentication
- An option available on a per user basis that introduces a 2 factor Authentication by email.
- Improved Alerts Functionality
- Improved Password Management
- Additional password restrictions, logging to identify login attempts and enforce password requirements.
- Fail2Ban Logging Integration
- New Suite of Unit Tests
- Improved Email Performance
- Email Fixes
Download SuiteCRM 7.10:
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