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Integration of new provider with vTiger SMSNotifier

Hello Folks,
We are happy to share our experience in integrating the SMS service provider with SMS notifier.
Its very easy to integrate.

  • First of all you needs to import the SMSNotifier module of vTiger CRM from module manager.
  • Once you install the module manager it will generate the folder /SMSNotifer under /Module folder of vTiger
  • under SMSNotifier there is folder ext/providers. which has the file “MyProvider.php.sample” replace this file name with your new provider name.Open changed file and make necessary change as below. make sure the parameter which you needs to pass to the SMS provider would be same as what you mentioned in the file.Mostly you needed to change following paramter in the file. const SERVICE_URI = ‘’;In following function change appropritate name of the phone and SMStext based on your service input.
    public function send($message, $tonumbers) {whatever parameter you define it would display as textbox in SMSNotifier server configuration.
  • Once done this SMSNotifier is ready to go now you just have to go to SMSNotifier settings -> server configuration
    then click “Add new” it will list the in drop list just set the details.
Happy programming.
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Variance Infotech

Variance Infotech is a company, helping world wide customer to spread their expertise in mobile app development & CRM solutions for all industries among businesses which has been proven a boost-up factor in the digital aura worldwide.

Comments (3)

    • variwordpress


      January 13, 2015 at 5:47 am

      Hi Inderjeet

      Thanks for the response

      We can give you a demo on this please let us know the date and time.

      Please add us on skype.

      Skype: varianceinfotech

      Deepan Patel
      Business Manager
      Variance Infotech

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