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Top 10 Reasons to Choose Salesforce for your Business

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is the world’s leading cloud based CRM software that helps your business grow into a more streamlined, effective and efficient organization across all bases. Having been in the market since late 90s, Salesforce has evolved into one of the most innovative and comprehensive CRM solutions, capable of addressing all of your business needs.

Why choose Salesforce?

Here are ten important reasons why Salesforce deserves your attention and consideration. Let’s get the ball rolling.

1. Easy to Use:

Salesforce is as easy to use as the websites you visit every day. You can log in from anywhere, collaborate with your colleagues and view and update customer data whenever you want.

2. Easy to Customize:

Whether you want to add modules or fields, create sale processes or change workflows, it’s all just a click away.

3. Cloud Based:

Salesforce takes flexibility to the next level. You can use it anywhere and at any time. It has pioneered a secure and sophisticated cloud infrastructure and offers unparalleled cloud solutions for Sales, Marketing, Support and Analytics.

4. Efficient Reporting:

Salesforce offers a powerful suite of reporting tools which help save your time, money and allow you to give your business the attention it deserves. The reporting facility in Salesforce is customizable, enables contract management and offers real time reports and analytics.

5. Multitenant Platform:

All Salesforce users share the same infrastructure and instance of the software. This allows for automatic and simultaneous updates for all users on the platform, while keeping their data secure. This means that you’re getting the latest and greatest features with automatic, seamless upgrades three times a year.


6. Integration Options:

The Salesforce platform has a robust and a well-documented open API which makes virtually any integration possible. This lets you map your business processes onto Salesforce more effectively and boosts productivity.

7. AppExchange Ecosystem:

AppExchange in Salesforce allows you to develop and market your own app or get access to thousands of useful, secured and verified applications and integrations built by other users.

8. Mobile CRM:

Salesforce was one of the earliest CRMs to go mobile. Now even if you are on vacations, you can realize the full potential of Salesforce using your mobile phone.

9. Customer Success Platform:

Salesforce lets you efficiently unify different principal functions of your business so you can achieve customer success. You can sell, service, market, collaborate, know your customers, and build apps on a single platform.

10. Diverse Community:

The community at Salesforce is always ready to help and support you. They also provide customization services and help companies gain access to a pool of rich developer talent.

How can Variance InfoTech Pvt. Ltd Help You?

Since its release, Salesforce has helped a large number of businesses to better manage their customers and grow. If you too are looking for the perfect CRM for your business, look no further. Salesforce is committed to excellence and with its outstanding features, it will start paying dividends in no time.

Contact our team of experts if you want consultancy regarding Salesforce or any integration with Salesforce. We would be glad to assist you.

Stay connected with your customers 24/7, and never lose a single lead ever.


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Variance Infotech

Variance Infotech is a company, helping world wide customer to spread their expertise in mobile app development & CRM solutions for all industries among businesses which has been proven a boost-up factor in the digital aura worldwide.

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