Tips on Migrate your Current Apps to NodeJS
It was written in that particular technology stack or tech. stack may be 5-10 years ago.
Your Current Technology is Old ? Facing many Issues ?
Ready to migrate to NodeJS based Application ?
You need to consider a few things while doing migration. But, before that let’s understand Node a little bit.

Resource Allocation:
You have a team dedicated to the project you want to migrate. They’re familiar with that technology and they may or may not be familiar with Node. In this case, They have to level-up their skills to JavaScript and Node. Identify the team members who need additional support for mentoring. Or it might be possible that you need to hire a remote team that dedicatedly works on migration to Node.
Start with Small Piece One at a Time:
Carefully scans the project and its components. Don’t directly choose the component or module of your project because it is mainly used or it is used by nobody. Choose the component that is a good fit for migration and easy enough to scale up once initialization is done. Be careful when assigning these initial transition tasks to developers. Assign a good team who can handle this transition smoothly. If transition happens smoothly in the early stage, it’ll give confidence to you and other team members.
Standardize the Process:
As the team moves forward with migration, standardize the process and create style guide or code documentation. This will ensure that the team is following best practices and not creating any complexity by going through their own set of rules because JavaScript is highly flexible.

Emphasize Practices:
Not just standard code guidelines but also give equal importance on best practices. This will ensure that the project will be scalable and maintainable for future modifications.

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