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There is not any reason that this festive season can be quite a slow time for you. If anything, it must be busier than ever! Before you decide to jump headfirst with your email marketing for that festive season, we have put together a list of things you should become aware of with your marketing over the holiday period.

1. Start Early:

There is a very good reason you observe retailers placing their holiday specials and decorations as early as October. Consumers are out there, making wish-lists and potentially already shopping for presents if they are incredibly well structured. Give yourself plenty of time for brainstorming, goal-setting and strategizing now, before the rush sets in. It is better to be top of mind for consumers so they can purchase from you early, rather than waiting around until their holiday budget has already been blown.

2. Cater for The Last-Minute Shoppers:

That being said, usually there are some people who will leave their shopping until the very last minute. This is when your smart marketing should come into play. If you provide those last-minute shoppers something they can gift to their family and friends, you have a much higher chance which they will buy from you. Printable vouchers, cards or certificate is the simplest way to do this, as well as any last minute sales or choices for rush/overnight delivery.

3. Keep an Eye on Your Reputation:

Boosting your email volume may lead to vulnerability for your sender reputation, meaning that some (or all) of your campaigns might not reach the inbox.
To combat this, checking which the addresses in your list are valid prior to sending a larger-than-normal holiday campaign will mitigate any potential disasters. Make sure that you are set up with Domain Authentication for extra reassurance.

4. Don’t Buy Email Lists :

When the pressure is on to hit targets and create sales during the crazy season, you might be tempted to reach more prospects by purchasing a list. Stop right there. It is incredibly easy to create a list of genuine opt-in subscribers, and those people will be far more receptive for your marketing (holiday or not). Build an email list for free instead of wasting your money on buying addresses you won’t be able to use.

5. Don’t Do The Same Thing as Last Year:

Just because you were successful last year, doesn’t mean you can coast on by without thinking about improvement. It’s been 365 days since last year’s campaign, so much could have changed: consumer needs, financial landscapes, new products coming on the market and old ones leaving. Be authentic and original every time, consumers can tell when you’re phoning it in.

6. Make This Festive Season your Most Profitable one yet:

It’s easy to avoid the pitfalls of seasonal marketing. Once you’ve considered the above and have a plan in mind, you’re ready to make the most out of your marketing.

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